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My experience in art and design has led me to value the beauty of simplicity and minimal ways of self expression, where process is as important as the visual side – slow, monotonous, repetitive, meditative and disciplinary. I think and create in bigger systems, where one detail can grow into a larger logic and where repetitive shapes create a binding whole. ​The process of working with an idea and arriving to a simple, pure and meaningful solution is what I aim for – to see the idea and the final visual result as a whole, with a story to tell.


As an artist I express myself mostly through painting and am drawn to inner landscapes – personal discoveries, journeys, feelings, thoughts and reflections. Through a minimalist geometric visual language I try to express the experiential where the whole process and sense is directed to inner and outer harmony.


Member of Estonian Painters Association since 2023.


Works in collections: Private collections, EMMA Espoo Museum of Modern Art collection.





2025  (Upcoming in November) Hobusepea Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia.

2025  Parallels. Tauno Ostra / Sandra Sirp. Artrovert Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia

2024  Presence in Motion. ARS Showroom. Tallinn, Estonia

2022  Still Beauty. Mall Paris, Sandra Sirp, Andres Koort. Karjamaa Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia

2022  Gentle Geometry. Sirje Runge / Sandra Sirp. Art and Tonic Gallery. Tartu, Estonia

2021  Practice for Persistence. Karjamaa Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia

2020  Echoes of Time. Kolga Manor Gallery. Kolga, Harjumaa, Estonia

2020  Trialogue. Anna Kõuhkna, Anu Muiste, Sandra Sirp. Castellan House Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

2019  Roads. Stella Soomlais Studio Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

2019  Traces: Totems of Time. Sandra Sirp & Helen Sirp. Viinistu Art Museum Gallery, Viinistu, Estonia

2018  Traces. Sandra Sirp & Helen Sirp. Tallinn Portrait Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia

2016  86 Lines. 008 Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia




2024  Somewhere, over the rainbow. Estonian Painters Association annual exhibition.

          Museum of New Art. Pärnu, Estonia. Curator Jaan Elken

2024  06.03.2024–02.03.2025 Experiments in Concretism. Espoo Museum of Modern Art. Espoo, Finland

2023  Reality and Imagination. Estonian Painters Association annual exhibition.

          Museum of New Art. Pärnu, Estonia. Curator Jaan Elken

2023  The Fifth Element. Anna Kõuhkna, Helen Sirp, Anu Muiste, Sandra Sirp. Vaal Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia 

2022  Spring Exhibition. Annual exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association. Tallinn Art Hall Gallery. Tallinn, Estonia 

2022  Love Story. Estonian Painters Association annual exhibition. Museum of New Art. Pärnu, Estonia.

          Curator Jaan Elken 

2021  Tallinn 6th International Drawing Triennial. ARS Project Room. Tallinn, Estonia. Curator Loit Jõekalda

2019  Inversions. Gallery Rivaa. New York City. Curator Melinda Wang

2019  Art Share. Gallery 3,14, Tallinn. Curator Alvar Reisner

2018  Differently. Tartu Art House, Tartu, Estonia. Curator Margus Meinart 

2015  KIMP Fest 2015 Everything is Clay! Tallinn University, Estonia. Curator Jaana Kormashov 

2014  A Bow to Spontaneity. EKA G Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia. Curator Lembe Ruben 
2013  International street art mail art exhibition Papergirl. Tartu City Library, Estonia
2012  SmartAD PopUP. Vana-Lõuna 39A-2, Tallinn, Estonia. Curator Kristel Laur
2012  Culture Festival Kultuuritolm exhibition. Patarei, Tallinn, Estonia. 
Curator Pire Sova

2011  Exhibition with Krista Simson. Estonian Railway Museum, Varbuse Tea House, Põlvamaa
2011  AHNE 2011. Elevator Building Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2010  Culture festival Kultuuritolm exhibition. Patarei Garage gallery, Tallinn, Estonia. Curator Sandra Sirp




2019–2022 Tallinn University, Estonian Academy of Arts, Art Teacher, MA studies

2017 Estonian Academy of Arts, Media Graphics, BA

2015–2016 University of Porto Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting

2012 Tallinn University, Art Education, BA

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